Dec 21, 2023Liked by Erik van Mechelen

I don't know how people have time to do all the research, but I appreciate hearing from you. I look forward to hearing more about this and I have forwarded it to a niece. Her 3 children (with #4 on the way!) are healthy and happy and have never had any vaccinations.

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Hi Terianne - Agreed, it takes time to find, read, and comprehend. Appreciate you sharing the experience of your niece's children. Even while potentially exceptional anecdotes perhaps shouldn't sway decision-making, for some, it does help to know someone (at least one) that is living in a similar way or has experience with a similar decision. Then, when confronted, can say something like, Well, we did this based on the data, and so and so did as well (who the people I'm speaking with would know). Thank you!

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