$100B weather mod lawsuit being prepped
disruption to Earth's electromagnetic integrity - MN weather mods since at least 1982, and lawsuit background
At a summertime David Clements event in 2022, one of the building supervisors of Studio Timeout politely interrupted the Q & A to say we had to go in the basement, which was in the next building over so we got quite wet making the fifty yard dash… once there, as the storm truly hit and eventually passed over, one of the attendees explained how he knew that airplanes were polluting the skies deliberately. (Another story.)
Now, in the $100 Billion Chemtrail Lawsuit that Clif_High is preparing, a number of known weather modification companies will named as defendants, as well as the Federal Reserve:
“i am naming the individual board members as well as the Federal Reserve Bank as defendants in my lawsuit. This is b/c they are facilitating the crime of chemtrails by their off-book, and 'official' creation of FRNs that allow for bribery and collusion within the chemtrail conspiracy, and without which these actions would not be taken by these firms nor individuals.”
(FRNs = Federal Reserve Notes)
For those doubting about weather modification, ask yourself, Why in 1970s was there passed The Weather Modification Act of 1976? For a separate but perhaps related example, why on our federal books also is there a section about space weather?
Here in Minnesota, weather modification was on the books starting in 1982, though repealed by 1999.
We do currently have in statutes The Pollution Control Agency, its creation and powers, as well as 116.061 AIR POLLUTION; EMISSIONS AND ABATEMENT, which does not seem to allow airplanes emitting dangerous materials, disrupting weather patterns, reducing sunlight, and the Earth’s electromagnetic integrity.
Clif has previously said he would be providing amicus curiae briefs so that anyone that has been harmed (which is everyone) can sign on to the case.
Almost every week during at least the past year, but for years prior to that as well, I have seen planes releasing stratospheric injections over Minneapolis.
I would like it to stop very soon so I will be joining this suit if it is still being arranged in a way that I can do so.
In the meantime, does anyone have any information about weather modification companies operating in Minnesota?
There are a few in North Dakota, see here:
We have the same going here in Western South Dakota!
The weather modification you see such as Bowman, North Dakota is a much different type than the Jets polluting our stratosphere. As I last knew about it most of the aircraft used in the smaller weather mod areas such as I spoke above use a turbo charged reciprocating engine and they would be in the low 30,000 foot range. Silver iodide In the past, had a couple different forms of application from those aircraft. This went back into the middle to later 60s in the early days of my pilot training. I occasionally got to sit right seat. I believe it was mostly hail suppression with an over seeding or rainmaking with a lesser seeding. What we are seeing now is a complete poisoning of the world’s landmass and water supply.