Big takeaway:
Establishment is effective at making us wait until later to do something.
However the ONLY place any of us can do anything is NOW.
The ever-present NOW.
Sure, we can anticipate events in the so-called event stream, which will happen when conditions are right.
But some of those events won't happen unless certain thoughts lead to actions.
If Bret doesn’t run does David lose to Alex?
In my case, the encouragement from Susan and others to run (even though last minute) and take the steps made the establishment never interview me (and walk away multiple times) but they did have to bring to a vote, which revealed who stood up for what—in essence the overall body voted to not have an election.
We can only own our actions, choose to do something or not do something. (We don’t get to choose the results.)
While staying very aware in the NOW, we can see the various choices available, and then do something or not.
This is also a short description of what I remember from Saturday.
The key thing was getting a chance to work together with all of you and how the establishment just wants to do things LATER, in a FUTURE which may never exist (the future doesn't exist).
Only events that we participate in as part of the event stream.
If Susan doesn't call me, then I don't have the choice to enter Secretary race. If I don't say yes, there is no petition-gathering... If Nom Com doesn't refuse to interview... etc.
Controlling political parties is only one of many interference/control mechanisms.
A few notes on that story here…
For details on the way this post uses the term NOW…
You don’t need a title to be effective, to get things done, or to be a true leader. You are a True Leader, Erik. I will always follow your lead, my friend. 😎🙏❤️🇺🇸🌎✌️