The deciding 21 missing ballots now claimed to have been thrown away, shredded, landfilled, but is there such a thing as an accident?
are the aliens are amused while the election contest has been filed... what will the judge do?
As a number of ufo/uap continue to show themselves, perhaps making gentle ‘first’ contacts—in recent days, multiple cities, multiple countries, w/ little brand-name news coverage—a local newscaster in Minnesota yesterday reported that the missing 21 ballots in the 14 unofficial/15-vote official margin (post recount) for MN House 54A were—accidentally—thrown away, shredded, landfilled, after Scott County two weeks post-election previously stated…
“that the ballots most likely will not be recovered” AND
“that even if the 20 ballots were found, it is unlikely that their chain of custody can be proven to assure they have not been tampered with”
In the first case, how did they know the ballots were unlikely to be recovered? (In their statement on Nov 27.)
And in the second case, ANY mail-in ballots have by definition a broken chain of custody.
Lisa Demuth 13A, Republican House minority leader has joined others in calling for new election. MNGOP elites (at least the X account) have been silent, supporting the claims of those who have suggested they benefit from not winning.
Back to the ballots that were accidentally thrown away. There are no accidents. (In an election in the MNGOP SD50 in 2023 where I was voting counting observer, I also was told that ballots were shredded after there were a couple surprise winners for the state central delegate—a key role which helps determine who the MNGOP leaders are, and other business, such as in week after next’s state central meeting on—this was what I was told after I noticed a very surprising MULTIPLE errors in a spreadsheet that changed election outcomes—several officers who were later discarded at minimum unfairly by the party.)
As was saying, no accidents, only misunderstanding of how or why a perceived action or event occurred.
Even if let’s say someone’s elbow hit a stack of ballots which were thrown away, shredded, and landfilled in what happened to be the closest MN House race (2 others reported were less than 300 votes), in a result that leaves the MN House tied 67-67, if it doesn’t go to re-el-ection, many such as myself and readers will be pleased that such obvious lack of integrity is going to be talked about for some time. Also gives everyone a chance to see what those around them remark about it, which is useful… some are worried about the tie, whereas others are asking if the entire voting system needs to be rethought. (In 2020 there were 700,000 ‘missing’ absentee ballots when the state certified—see here.)
MN historians make note, the very first 1857 MN gubernatorial election saw Sibley come up with votes late on to defeat Ramsey… and only a few years before America became a corporation ~1871 which happens to explain a lot. Let’s hope those administering MN elections are not involved at all with the alien first contacts.
That’s my county 😳🥸