A couple nights ago my computer froze as I wrote about 9/11 and Trump’s possibly staged attempt…
So I won’t go on about that now…
The phrase, Stay in your lane, is reasonable. Because if something is bad info, then it adds to noise. But if one only stays in one’s lane… does one become a one-trick pony?
So why not follow one’s curiosity? What does the holy spirit or consciousness help us to do? Thought, thinking? If not to explore?
And while we cannot decipher everything, all at once, I don’t believe it is impossible for us to learn things that people say are very hard to learn.
It’s just about UNlearning uncreative behavior and thought.
If taken step by step, can learn anything. For instance. Have been reading about Tesla and electricity. It is hard for me to understand. So it has been slow going.
It’s obvious why Tesla was marginalized in his time. Too many good ideas.
Meanwhile, for those of you who are avid readers, please know there are many local writers. Below are some of them.
“Write what you know.” These people are (list to follow).
Because the media isn’t—even alternative media. Too many talking heads. Many fake. Many fake but actually helping those who can’t look away to learn anyway. Quite something, isn’t it?
Here’s just a few resources that are here on Substack, with Minnesota at the end of the list…
Jessica Pollema & Co: South Dakota Elections
Robert J Borer: Nebraska Elections
Fred S. Hayes: Utah Elections
Martin Geddes: Telecoms, Spirituality, Q, etc. from the UK
Karin Miller: Minnesota Faith and Politics
Tracey Schowalter: We Are the Plan
Matt Benda: Lawyer Who Brought Case on Modems in Minnesota
ANYONE can write what they know.
It only takes a few minutes per week… take notes throughout week, then summarize at the week’s end.
If you’re already writing, share it with me. Then I can share it too.